The life can sing, whistle, smile, giving light on the walk
Good morning !
everyone knows in one way or another, there are moments, days that we are Light, if I eat the sun, like the lamp that seems far away, more uilumina guide, and other times, we enter a room, in a house, and I don't know why There is so much sunlight, the lamps all feel cold and still, we feel, we think * what I came here for ... * and we want to take a breath, well that's life, our paths, paths, our respect to think and say of others, family, friends or not friends ... even when they are strange, violent, we say get on that train every day ... or walk
Brief reflection at dawn: María de Lourdes Lucero, * Light *
Good morning !
everyone knows in one way or another, there are moments, days that we are Light, if I eat the sun, like the lamp that seems far away, more uilumina guide, and other times, we enter a room, in a house, and I don't know why There is so much sunlight, the lamps all feel cold and still, we feel, we think * what I came here for ... * and we want to take a breath, well that's life, our paths, paths, our respect to think and say of others, family, friends or not friends ... even when they are strange, violent, we say get on that train every day ... or walk
Brief reflection at dawn: María de Lourdes Lucero, * Light *
La vida poder cantar, silbar, sonreir, regalando luz en el andar
¡Buenos dìas ¡! Breve reflexiòn de : marìa de Lourdes Luceroa :
saben todos de una manera u otra, hay momentos, dìas que somos Luz, si como el sol, como e`sa làmpara que parece lejana màs guia uilumina,y otras veces, entramos en un salon, en una casa, y no sè porque existiendo tanta luz del sol, de las lamparas todo lo sentimos frio y aùn asi, sentimos , pensamos *para què vine aqui*...y deseamos salir a tomar aire, bien èso es vida, nuestros caminos, senderos, nuestro respeto al pensar y decir de los demàs, familia, amigos o no amigos...aun cuando son extraños, violento, nosotros decimos subir a èse tren todos los dìas...o caminar
Breve reflexiòn al amanecer : marìa de Lourdes Lucero, *Luz*
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